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Read Thomas Bock - Construction Robots: Volume 3 : Elementary Technologies and Single-Task Construction Robots FB2, EPUB


Learn how Single-Task Construction Robots (STCRs) can improve productivity in the construction industry with this cross-disciplinary text. This third volume in the Cambridge Handbooks in Construction Robotics series discusses the STCRs employed on construction sites since the development of the approach in the 1980s, presents current applications, and highlights upcoming trends in the construction automation and robotics field. Two hundred different types of STCR are presented, from the simplest models comprising simple manipulators and mobile platforms, to those utilizing more sophisticated technologies such as aerial robotics, swarm robotics, exoskeletons, additive manufacturing technologies, self-assembling building structures, and humanoid robotics. Real-world case studies demonstrate the different application scenarios for each approach, and highlight the key implementation and management issues. With an easy-to-follow structure, and including hundreds of color illustrations, it provides an excellent toolkit for professional engineers, researchers, and students., Single-Task Construction Robots (STCRs) are robots developed for use on the construction site. After the first experiments in large-scale prefabrication were successfully conducted in Japan and the first products proved successful on the market, the main contractor, Shimizu (1975, Tokyo), set up a research group for on-site construction robots. The focus was initially set on simple systems able to execute single, specific construction tasks in a repetitive manner. Today, STCRs are a worldwide research and development theme, and the tasks and application fields of STCRs expand continuously. Whereas the first approaches made in Japan built on relatively simple manipulators and mobile platforms used to distribute concrete, finish floors, install wall panels and move material, recently, new forms of STCRs have emerged, building on aerial approaches, additive manufacturing technologies, exoskeletons, swarm robotic approaches, self-assembling building structures and humanoid robot technology. This volume features 200 STCRs classified into 24 categories., The third volume in the Cambridge Handbooks on Construction Robotics series, this book focuses on Single-Task Construction Robots (STCRs) and defends their place as a mainstay in modern construction technology. It begins with a background in the history and development of the STCR approach, and then proceeds to define 200 different types of STCRs - from the early Japanese models which were comprised of relatively simple manipulators and mobile platforms, to the most recent STCRs which utilize more sophisticated technology such as aerial approaches, additive manufacturing technologies, exoskeletons, swarm robotic approaches, self-assembling building structures, and humanoid robot technology. These STCRs are classified into 24 categories to facilitate comprehension, and the text is supplemented by hundreds of color illustrations. Like the other volumes in this series, this application-oriented text offers a cross-disciplinary approach which connects traditional architectural theory with the latest manufacturing technology, thereby paving the way for new possibilities in construction.

Thomas Bock - Construction Robots: Volume 3 : Elementary Technologies and Single-Task Construction Robots download ebook FB2, MOBI, DJV

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