Download ebook Teaching at Its Best : A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors DJV, TXT


The classic teaching toolbox, updated with new research and ideas "Teaching at Its Best" is the bestselling, research-based toolbox for college instructors at any level, in any higher education setting. Packed with practical guidance, proven techniques, and expert perspectives, this book helps instructors improve student learning both face-to-face and online. This new fourth edition features five new chapters on building critical thinking into course design, creating a welcoming classroom environment, helping students learn how to learn, giving and receiving feedback, and teaching in multiple modes, along with the latest research and new questions to facilitate faculty discussion. Topics include new coverage of the flipped classroom, cutting-edge technologies, self-regulated learning, the mental processes involved in learning and memory, and more, in the accessible format and easy-to-understand style that has made this book a much-valued resource among college faculty. Good instructors are always looking for ways to improve student learning. With college classrooms becoming increasingly varied by age, ability, and experience, the need for fresh ideas and techniques has never been greater. This book provides a wealth of research-backed practices that apply across the board. Teach students practical, real-world problem solving Interpret student ratings accurately Boost motivation and help students understand how they learn Explore alternative techniques, formats, activities, and exercises Given the ever-growing body of research on student learning, faculty now have many more choices of effective teaching strategies than they used to have, along with many more ways to achieve excellence in the classroom. "Teaching at Its Best" is an invaluable toolbox for refreshing your approach, and providing the exceptional education your students deserve., This bestselling, research-based guide is an essential toolbox--a compilation of hundreds of practical teaching techniques, formats, classroom activities, and exercises. Covering a wide range of topics in simple, easy-to-understand language, this practical resource is perfect for any college instructor. This updated and revised fourth edition contains five new chapters on course design, creating a welcoming environment for students, enhancing student motivation, helping students understand how they learn, and teaching in multiple modes. New sections address issues such as: high-impact practices, syllabus items and the debate about length, the syllabus as a contract, MOOCs, the effects of personal relationships and students' career-focus on motivation, cheating issues (including those specific to international students), troubleshooting issues that arise in student groups, self-regulated learning, metacognition, self-assessment, feedback failure, helping students learn from their mistakes, teaching in each type of learning mode, specifications grading, validity issues with student ratings, and measuring learning at the course level. Discussion questions have also been added for instructors who use the book as a college teaching textbook or discussion group book. Additionally, all research-based information has been updated throughout the book to include new findings.

Read ebook Linda B. Nilson - Teaching at Its Best : A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors TXT, FB2