Ebook Reshaping Design Governance : The CABE Experiment by Matthew Carmona DJV, DOC, MOBI


Design Governance focuses on how we design the built environment where most of us live, work and play and the role of government in that process. To do so it draws upon the experience of CABE (the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment), a decade long globally unique experiment in the governance of design. The book theorises design governance as an arm and aspiration of the state; tells the story of CABE, warts and all, and what came before and after; unpacks CABE s informal toolbox: its methods and processes of design governance; and reflects on the effectiveness and legitimacy of design as a tool of modern day government. The result is a new set of concepts through which to understand the governance of design as a distinct and important sub-field of urban design.", Reshaping Design Governanceis a thorough introduction to, and in-depth analysis of the work of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and its programmes, practices and influence. Authored by leading experts in the fields of urban design and planning, it is designed specifically for design practitioners and those in related fields of public policy and urban governance. CABE fronted a national drive in England for better design in the built environment and was an attempt to address questions of design through systematic government action. The commission campaigned for, researched and prescribed solutions to the delivery of better architectural, urban and public space design. Through in depth analysis of the commission, Reshaping Design Governance : Tells the story of CABE, from its policy beginnings through its successes and failures Unpacks CABE's extensive toolbox, its methods and processes Re-evaluates design governance as an arm and aspiration of public policy Reshaping Design Governance illuminates larger, fundamental questions about the role, nature and legitimacy of design as a public policy tool, and asks whether, how and to what degree the state should engage in such concerns.It is a must-have purchase for professionals in design, public policy and urban governance fields.

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Each chapter starts from first principles and develops to provide the reader with novel insights, contemporary topic summaries and first-rate further reading lists.Fisher surely hovers over this book, amused and beguiled by a cook whose prose has the same artful composure, and whose cooking possesses a similar innate sense of style."-John Thorne, author of 'Serious Pig: An American Cook in Search of His Roots' "I'd just like a refill, please.Air Transport Managementpresents a wide range of international examples relevant to a global audience and offers a mix of theoretical and practical content.In the first section, Storytelling to Understand, authors draw on both theoretical and empirical work to examine storytelling as a way of knowing.Starting with an overview and history of the natural building movement, the book handles a wide variety of topics including earthen plaster versus cement stucco, tools and techniques of the trade, plaster recipes, and pigmenting plaster or painting walls with natural paints.Working from the key principle that there is no curriculum development without teacher development, Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School argues for a new, skilful pedagogy which embeds an authentic, cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning in the work of the individual teacher.Understanding interactions and feedback loops between and within human and natural systems is critical for managing complex water problems.The second part of the book considers the most appropriate regulatory locus (local, regional, or international) and the most effective form of response to the deficit in corporate responsibility and the abuse of corporate power.In the mid-70s, Peter Drucker predicted that demographic dynamics would eventually turn pensions into a major societal issue; in 2007, author Keith Ambachsheer's book "Pension Revolution" laid out the ways in which Drucker's predictions had come to pass.Drawing on the interdisciplinary scholarships on postcolonial studies, science studies, and environmental history, Jiat-Hwee Chang argues that tropical architecture was inextricably entangled with the socio-cultural constructions of tropical nature, and the politics of colonial governance and postcolonial development in the British colonial and post-colonial networks.For example, are transnational corporations most effectively regulated internationally, regionally, or locally?, This book - one in the four-volume set, Global Governance and the Quest for Justice - focuses on the role of corporations in an increasingly globalised world.Against the backcloth of perceived abuse of corporate power - alleged violations of human rights, degradation of the environment, abuse of labour, Enron-style financial scandals, and the like - the chapters in this collection examine the nature and function of the corporation as well as the way in which we should understand corporate governance and the power of transnational corporations.