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Read Cruising to Profits : Transformational Strategies for Sustained Airline Profitability TXT, MOBI, DJV


In Cruising to Profits, a very thought-provoking book, co-authors and airline strategy and profitability experts Ricardo Pilon and Kofi Sonokpon share transformational strategies and tools they conclude would contribute to a fundamental shift in turning commercial aviation into a profitable business. Some radical, but necessarily drastic, views and methodologies are offered. The content is primarily based on their practical airline management and business consulting experience, but also combines results from the authors' academic involvement in airline economics with management science. The authors introduce a three-pillar visionary leadership framework BeProFit-able (BPF) that redefines the role of commercial aviation. They further discuss the human element in profitability and advance T.A.L.E.N.T. and Vision Load Factor (VLF) instruments. Lastly, Cruising to Profits offers valuable, actionable management tools so as to execute on the vision and include day-to-day operations towards commercial airline strategy formulation. BeProFit-able (BPF) WHAT visionary leadership framework and management methodology it would take to turn commercial aviation into a profitable business and HOW to apply a unique combination of business model expertise with modern convergent governance. Vision Load Factor (VLF) WHY most airlines are consistently running well below their true potential and HOW to measure and deliver on an airline's vision load factor in a profitable manner. T.A.L.E.N.T. WHY even the most talented airline employees must meet the T.A.L.E.N.T. criteria before they can positively contribute to profitability and HOW to attract and retain true talents. First in a series of eye-opener work, Cruising to Profits is a must-read for those at the heart of senior airline management and those who take a close interest in the business.

Cruising to Profits : Transformational Strategies for Sustained Airline Profitability by Kofi Sonokpon read FB2, PDF, EPUB

Up in Harlem, Warren sat down for a 15-minute appointment with Malcolm X that unwound into several hours of vivid conversation.This practical guide formalizes informal knowledge--the wisdom passed from an expert pilot to a trainee to form a set of habits and routines to advance safety in automated aviation.Sully's story is one of dedication, hope, and preparedness, revealing the important lessons he learned through his life, in his military service, and in his work as an airline pilot.In 1926, Pacific Air Transport selected Medford as a station for the West Coast airmail route.The authors attack head-on the fundamental weaknesses in current management practices, namely, the stranglehold that budgeting has over strategic planning and the lack of imagination in management plans that prevents real changes and consequences.To create her impeccably stylish look, Ines combines purchases from chic high-end stores like the legendary Colette along with high-quality basics at low prices from high-street chains.Advanced systems are covered, including flight management systems, the primary flight display (PFD) and multi-function display (MFD), synthetic vision, and traffic advisory systems.Initially viewed as contributing to democracy s development, however, civil society groups have come under increased scrutiny by scholars and policymakers.Part Two presents the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi whose renowned studies have shown that when people are fully engaged in their experience, they enjoy learning and growing.Written by Greg Brown (author of "The Turbine Pilot s Flight Manual" and "Job Hunting for Pilots"), this Second Edition of "The Savvy Flight Instructor" provides nearly 20 years of additional wisdom, experience, and know-how, and includes new Finer Points contributed by industry experts.This volume tells their story.' As'ad AbuKhalil, California State University'[This] helps us to understand the matrix of the new American juggernaut and its impact on the lives of ordinary people.' Abdeen Jabara, Civil Rights Attorney, Past President, American Arab Anti-Discrimination CommitteeMuslims and Arab-Americans are increasingly under attack as a result of the US 'war on terror' e" at home, as well as abroad.