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Museum: Contemporary Curating and Museum Education (2017, Paperback) DOC, PDF


In the context of critical museology, museums are questioning their social role, defining the museum as a site for knowledge exchange and participation in creating links between past and present. Museum education has evolved as a practice in its own right, questioning, expanding and transforming exhibitions and institutions. How does museum work change if we conceive of curating and education as an integrated practice? This question is addressed by international contributors from different kinds of museums. For anyone interested in the future of museums, it offers insights into the diversity of positions and experiences of translating the "grand designs" of museology into practice., Museum directors are beginning to question the role of their museums in the production of knowledge and participation, in creating links between the present and the past. Museum education has evolved as a practice in its own right, questioning, expanding, and transforming exhibitions and institutions. How does museum work change if we conceive of curating and education as an integrated practice? In this anthology, international scholars employed at a range of museums address this question. For anyone interested in the future of these institutions, this book explores diverse approaches to translating the "grand designs" of critical museology into practice.

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